

I am not good at continuing to update my blog, nor am I really all that good at coming up with interesting things to say. But I really like being on here. I have been able to keep in touch with some friends who I don't get to see much of, and I have met some great people.

I know I only have a few blogs listed on the side as "favorites", but through them I have also met some great people. Those few are wonderful people. They have such different lives and things going on and it is really interesting to read about everyone and all the different things that can happen in a day or a week or a lifetime. Artists that show the creative, beautiful pieces they make, Moms that survive and thrive with family members and friends and even Moms that love and care about people so much they share everything wonderful about the world. It has really opened my eyes to how different yet wonderful people can be.

Then through these people I have met more. All over the country. Did you know in a small town in North Idaho they regularly get totally dumped on with feet and feet of snow? it's amazing to see and hear how they live with all of it. People that work in all kinds of fields, home-schooling parents, coffee shop "baristas", designers, nurses, teachers, etc. It's really interesting to read all of it and makes you realize that so many crazy things, fun things, sad things go on every day.

I am grateful for all the people that I have met on blogger. Look forward to keeping in touch in the future. Seems silly, but it is a great way to keep in touch.


Amy said...

So glad to have met you, too! I haven't been on here much lately because I have TOO MUCH going on! Someday life will settle down to normal...what is normal, anyway?

Have a great day! And by the way, how is your nephew?

jennie said...

Glad you stopped by!! Missed hearing from you! I left a reply comment on your blog for you!

Elaine Thomas said...

Hey Jennie B,

I love this post. I totally agree with you. meeting people from all over the world is great. I enjoy blogging as well. I know I don't talk about much but it's alot of fun!! Be sweet!!! Elaine

Cher said...

Jen, your blog brought tears to my eyes. The older we get, the more precious life becomes, it seems. Luv ya, girlfriend!

Cher said...