
My sister and I

I got to spend a few hours with my sister tonight and we had a great time! I went to her house after work, she's about an hour away or so, and we went to Mangia's for dinner. It's really a little dive Italian place, but man it is soooo good.

We brought her husband dinner home and hung out there for awhile, looking through pictures and stuff. I asked her if she was getting video of Charlie, he's a walking machine now, going everywhere, look out! she said she was. I remember that night in the hospital with her, Scott had just bought that video camera in the last few days, and it was the same one Steve and I had, so while he was freaking out we were trying to show him how to use it. It was such a great, crazy night.

So we started watching some of the videos of my little monkey, Charlie. and I have to say, I am totally amazed at how my sister and I have the same voice! It's really crazy! i have never noticed that before. I know I used to get so ticked at my parents when i would call because they would get us confused on the phone and I never understood it. It's crazy! it took me 29 years to realize this! :) I knew from pictures that we make the same facial expressions, but the voice really messed me up!

We are a lot alike and very different at the same time. People say you can definitely tell we are related. We have the same facial features, same Badalamenti nose, same eyes, mouth, eyebrows, body structure. But we also have different shaped faces, and hers is thinner, I have always had the chipmunk cheeks and she hasn't. We both have dimples, but she's always been covered in them. Mine stand out more when i lose weight, but I don't have nearly as many.

Our personalities are different. Granted we are both outgoing in that we'll talk to anyone. I think it drives both our husbands crazy. I can start a conversation with any stranger and she can too. But I am labeled the "nice one" in the family because I would prefer no confrontation, I like to keep things calm and I like everyone to be happy. Which sometimes is a bit stressful! She has never held back. if she thinks it she says it and she doesn't care what you think of it! Granted, I have been known to give an earful to someone, but she has absolutely no filter whatsoever.

We have to be funny to watch. I can't remember a time in the last few years that we've hung out and haven't laughed until we cried at some point in the night. We act like total idiots. Together we really bring out the facial expressions and sound effects and the stupidness in both of us, and it's so fun. I think we easily embarrass the people we are with sometimes! We were not friends for a long time. I didn't know her at all and really we are still learning each other. But it is great now. She asked me to be her Maid of Honor in 2004 and I knew she only did it because I was her sister and she didn't want to hurt my feelings, but it was the best thing that she ever could have done. I think, except for my honeymoon, I have talked to her every single day since then. I am not really a phone person either, and I couldn't imagine not talking to her at least once. Today alone before I got to her house I talked to her 5 times! :)

So, after all that, we ran to Target to look for toys and books for Charlie's 1st birthday. I think we read every book made for 1 year olds in there. And with sound effects. Amy finally bought a book about farm animals and a hoedown or something. She had to because she acted out the book as she read it in the middle of Target! :)

Anyway, my point in this is my sister is a beautiful person and I love her very much! Can't wait to get together again.

1 comment:

Cher said...

Oh yeah! I am 11 months younger than my sister and there is NOONE in this world I am closer to.