
AIDS in Africa.........

OK. This is just a quick bit to vent on today...

I feel pretty strongly about starving children, kids needed adopted, people needing healthcare, AIDS, all that stuff. IN OUR COUNTRY. Not that I have anything against Africa or any other country that has these issues too, I don't, but why can't we fix the problems in our country before trying to fix everyone else's problems.

I just briefly read about the whole RED deal and Dell and Microsoft involved in trying to solve the AIDS in Africa problem. (you can get the story on MSN.com) Plus all the celebs trying to fix everything over there, whether it be adopting children or AIDS or whatever.

I feel the US has enough issues already and maybe we should spend some time focusing on that first. That's all.


Cher said...

I have to say I agree with you. There are so many children here, in our country, that need to be adopted. So many people here that need help. I just don't understand why it's become 'the thing' to adopt from outside the USA. For some reason the thought seems to be that the kids here, even though orphans, are better off than the orphans elsewhere???

jennie said...

that's what someone else said to me. that the kids in the worst position here were still better off than somewhere else. but it still shouldn't matter.