
ready for the weekend!

things are getting better. this has been a stressful week. Yesterday we all went back to the hospital with Dad. He woke up and his legs were cramping and swollen. Amy was afraid he might have gotten blood clots in his legs and got him to call the doctor. The doctor sent him to the hospital for an ultrasound on his legs. We were there for a few hours and luckily he was sent home free and clear. He must have slept wierd I guess. Thank goodness everything was ok!

Our air conditioning at the apartment went out yesterday, so right now it is 82 degrees in there. Not that that's really a big deal, but just annoying. I've gotten spoiled in the last two years with ac, and don't like living without it! especially when it's 90 outside all week!!

Tonight Mom is teaching me how to make her famous zucchini (sp?) bread. It is soooo goooood!!
This weekend so far is going to be slow. just laying low and not doing much is the plan. I'm looking forward to it! I know my sister is too! she's so funny, she called me last night to let me know that she's tired of us all! :) She hasn't gotten much sleep, none after working all night actually, and she's a little cranky. So funny, don't blame her, she'll be better after a weekend of lounging.

That's all I've got for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Amy said...

90 degrees. To use Lorraine's word - pft! Try 109. Or 113. That's hot. I just got my electric bill. For one month. Are you ready? $235. And that is keeping the air off until I cannot stand it and only turning it down to 78 except on the rare occasion that we turn it down to 76 because we are exerting ourselves in the house. California desert. Good for sunshine. Summer heat? We got it! But as they always say, "It's a DRY heat." That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. Hot is HOT! Be thankful you are at 90. Oh, and I hope you get your air fixed and it stays fixed. It is miserable to be warmer than you are used to...no matter what that is. I wouldn't want you to have to deal with 113. We don't go outside during the day!

jennie said...

ok, you're right!! I'm glad we don't deal with 113!!! I wouldn't make it. Sorry to complain now, I really shouldn't! I'll remember this conversation in the winter when it's -20 and i want 90 back!!