We are getting married in about 3 months. I'm just amazed at how fast the year has gone. I am very excited about getting married, yet at the same time, I can't wait for it to be over! This wedding planning thing is ridiculous! so many little things to think about and so many people that you try to please. Now I know, it is our wedding so it should be what we want, but it is just not entirely that way. Everyone throws ideas at me, and I try to please everyone, and that just doesn't work. But anyway, we've registered now, so we're just at the last stuff- making favors, mailing invites, paying everyone lots of money....
Work is ok. Nothing new. We've gotten easy approvals of catalogs lately, which is scary! That's a good thing, but at the same time part of you waits for the big disaster. I think I've gotten too negative, I need to be more positive in my life...what's wrong with me!
I am really worried about my dad. He has severe depression I think, he hates his job, his children have all grown up and moved out, and he's miserable. He is mad at Mom all the time saying she doesn't understand him etc. and he really needs to retire. But he's scared. I understand that. But he really worries me, I wish that he would go to a doctor and get an annual physical (regularly) and talk to someone about what is going on.
On a happy note, we went out on Tuesday and shot photos for our early spring catalog at this woman's house that has a barn and a lot of gardens. She has a bunch of crazy animals that walk around, and it was hot but productive and a lot of fun. Check out the picture of the crazy peacock that scared us with his hollers all day long....